Cultivating Minds: Weeds or Wildflowers

Date(s) - 07/06/2024
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Garfield Park Children's Garden


Cultivating Minds Garden Series 2024

Join Indy Parks in the Children’s Garden to learn about various gardening and nature topics you’ve always wanted to know more about. Learn how to grow new plants; make healthier gardens; learn how to support local wildlife; learn new hobbies; make healthy lifestyle choices and much more! This is a drop-in demonstration program. Feel free to come any time between 11 am and 12 pm and stay for as long as you’d like (demonstration slated to last 10-15 at a time) and explore the Children’s Garden afterward. Each program will have a small take-home item. The program is free, but donations are appreciated (at the front desk).
One person’s weed is another person’s wildflower. Come learn how to identify common garden “weeds” and learn about their uses. Then you can decide for yourself if they are friend or foe!
Plants such as purslane, which many of us often find ourselves removing from our gardens, are actually very high in Omega-3 fatty acids, even more so than flax, which gets all the credit!
Cultivating Minds: Weeds or Wildflowers

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