Homeschool Hikers

Date(s) - 11/14/2023
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Cool Creek Park and Nature Center | 10 Ways to Play and Explore in Nature


Plan a break from the books to learn about nature and get your kids outside. We will discuss a specific topic and then explore the outdoors. Kids who spend time in nature are happier, healthier, and smarter!

Ages: Best for school-aged children

Cost: Free

Location: CCNC

Pre-registration: Required. Register online.

Hazardous Weather

We have a Hamilton County Emergency Management division guest speaker, Julie Gray! She will educate us about the potential for extreme weather in our area and how to prepare for such events.

Date: Tuesday, November 14

Time: 1:00 pm


Let’s put our skepticism aside and ponder the possibility of Bigfoot. What ecological requirements would a small population of these creatures need? Is there an ecological system in Indiana that could support such a community? No sightings of Bigfoot have been made at Cool Creek Park, but we will go looking for him anyway.

Date: Tuesday, December 12

Time: 1:00 pm

Fort Building for Snow Adventures

Could you make a sturdy shelter? What are the geometric principles behind building a quick but sturdy structure, especially to withstand a snowball fight? We’ll test our new knowledge on our hike. Snowballs provided.

Date: Tuesday, January 16

Time: 1:00 pm

Nature Board, Dice and Card Games

Some interesting multi-player games on the market truly delve into nature systems and educate. After an overview of each game, we’ll break into groups and play them. Different games will be played simultaneously. Bring your favorite gaming snacks. Weather permitting, we’ll hike, too.

Date: Tuesday, February 20

Time: 1:00 pm

Homeschool Hikers

We do our best to provide the most relevant and timely information to our readers, but please confirm dates, times, and availability before attending an event. Events are posted on IWK from information found on, but not limited to, attraction sites, government city sites; as well as submissions from individual attractions, press releases and PR firms. All events are subject to change without notice and Indy with Kids cannot be held responsible.

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