Volunteer as a Family with CHEER | Mid-North Food Pantry


Volunteering was always a large part of my childhood and I vividly remember my parents telling me to “find a place to get involved” – and so I did. I volunteered at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis for many, many years and spent most of my high school career as a partner with the Special Olympics. It was an incredibly rewarding experience that I believe helped shape the person I am today, so it’s natural that I’d want to find volunteer experiences that my children can become involved with, too.

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There are a number of volunteer opportunities available to children in Indianapolis but I’m particularly interested in opportunities where my very young children participate alongside me. CHEER is the answer!

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CHEER (Childhood Hunger Education, Education, and Reverence) is an active group of children ages 3-12 and their parents working to stock the shelves at the Mid-North Food Pantry. The Mid-North Food Pantry is a Pantry Partner with Gleaners Food Bank and services one of the poorest neighborhoods in Indy. Children help sort and stock the shelves on select weekend mornings. The organization works with children to participate both in and out of the pantry by helping them organize food drives at their schools, neighborhoods, churches or scout troops, as well.

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Keep an eye on their Facebook page for upcoming events and lists of items in need. CHEER operates year-round and is enthusiastic about their mission. To volunteer or with help putting together a food drive at your organization contact Erin at cheer@midnorthfoodpantry.org.

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