Date(s) - 05/12/2024
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Central Library - Indianapolis Public Library
- Activity Type
- Adults
- Cost Per Person
- Family
- Free
- Indoor
- Infant
- Music and Theatre
- Participant Age
- Preschool
- School Age
- teens
- Toddlers
- tweens
Join Indianapolis Public Library for a concert featuring New Orleans/Swing Era music performed by Matthew Ball.
Pianist and Singer/Songwriter Matthew Ball is known as the Boogie Woogie Kid! A world-class talent, Matthew has performed music for all ages overseas, in Canada and Germany, and across 15 states.
The Circulating Sound Concert series features live music on the second Sunday of every month at 2:00 in the Clowes Auditorium at Central Library. Bonus concerts occur on other days and locations as opportunities arise.
Made possible by Friends of the Library through gifts to The Indianapolis Public Library Foundation.
Learn more about New Orleans Jazz from the list Pork N Beans Brass Band, or perhaps curl up with a good New Orleans Mystery.
We do our best to provide the most relevant and timely information to our readers, but please confirm dates, times, and availability before attending an event. Events are posted on IWK from information found on, but not limited to, attraction sites, government city sites; as well as submissions from individual attractions, press releases and PR firms. All events are subject to change without notice and Indy with Kids cannot be held responsible.