Coxhall Gardens

Driving through the gates of Coxhall Gardens, a world of wide open spaces, water and gardens are revealed. If you time it just right, your arrival can be announced via the sounds of bells ringing from both of the clock towers (Carillon Bell Coxhall Gardens photo shoot park in carmel city best indy kids.jpgTowers) that jet upwards at the front of the property and then again towards the back. My kids love when we arrive on the hour and roll the windows down to hear the beautiful music. The next time they ring generally signals our time to depart. It works really well with my little ones.

Turn to the right and you’ll drive up and around the driveway of the Coxhall mansion.

Turn to the left and you’ll drive near a recreational lake with bridges to cross and walk under, the centerpiece and finally, our favorite spot, the Children’s Gardens.

Coxhall Gardens moms park in carmel city best indy kids.jpgThe Children’s Gardens are full of whimsical and natural features that allow nature and imagination to meet in a colorful way! Play in the town made up of beautiful storefronts, enjoy lunch on the “island”, take a ride down the slide, climb on or enter dirt tunnels, dance on the rainbow path and swing on the bench swing. When the gardens are in season, chase butterflies, enter the maze and learn about all of the different types of gardens growing and what the modern and historical plant uses are.coxhall gardens carmel best park north side indy kids indianapolis

There are many different youth and family programs that take place throughout the park during the year.

Open 365 days
Dawn to dusk



2000 W 116th St

Visit Coxhall Gardens

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